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Business Team




The primary objectives of the program, in addition to providing valuable opportunities to the day program students to acquire working experience.

“An essential stepping stone for their future job opportunities”, is also to render them opportunities to apply various business concepts and theories acquired in the MBA courses, and gain in-depth business knowledge pertaining to the industry in which they trained during their internship period.

As such, on the basis of the aforementioned objectives, students, to the great extent, are expected to learn various aspects of the company as well as the industry and be able to discuss and present the knowledge gained in the report. To ascertain that the report includes all essential aspects that would accurately reflect what students have learned and experienced during the training, the following internship outlines are developed, and students are expected to strictly follow them.


Internship Exemption

MBA day student who have at least two years’ experience prior to their enrollment in the postgraduate program, they can submit petition requesting for their internship exemption to Office of ABAC Graduate School of Business within specific period as shown below.

Criteria for students who would like to waive their internship:

  • Company/Employment letter with job descriptions: Actual content of job (2 years summary)

  • Name and contact number of supervisor

  • Copy of company registration certificate (registry of commerce)

  • Computerized 1 month pay slip

Submission of petition and documents

Term 1 (September - December)

September - November


Term 2 (January - April)

January – March


Term 3 (May - August)

May - July

Failing to fulfill the project’s outline:

Failure to fulfill the requirements, irrespective of reasons, will result in the rejection of written report, and the students will be required to rewrite the project and submit the rewritten project within two weeks to the Internship coordinator after the official announcement of the result. This would allow the coordinator to schedule the interns’ oral presentation.

Failing to meet the project’s deadline:

Failure to submit the project within the deadline, irrespective of reasons, will result in the rejection of the project, and the students are expected to postpone their presentation to the following terms. This hence might affect their graduation period.

Failing to meet the rewritten project’s deadline:

Since the outlines are available and expected to cover in the process of report writing thoroughly, the students who industriously and carefully scheduled their report writing would not face any difficulty in meeting the outline’s requirements and the project deadline while the students who procrastinate in writing the report would usually end up with problems. As such, students who cannot submit the rewritten project within specified period will be required to postpone their presentation to the following term. This as such implies the delay of their graduation.

Correct grammar and good command of English:

Since the internship program is a partial fulfillment of the MBA program and is developed for the postgraduate students, the GSB expects the students to demonstrate their English proficiency in their report. Hence, any report that contains grammatical mistakes and typing errors will be rejected and the rewritten report needs to be submitted within 2 weeks to the internship coordinator after the official announcement of the result. Students who cannot submit the rewritten project within specified period will be subjected to the penalty stated in the above paragraph.

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Program and Admissions 

Tel. (+66) 081-815-1237  (+66) 2 7832345  (+66) 2 783 2222 ext. 1244 Ⓛ Line ID: @abacgrad  Ⓦ WhatsApp: @abacgrad1

Office of Graduate Studies, Assumption University
Hua Mak Campus, Assumption Building (A Building) Bangkok 10240 Thailand

Tel. (662) 7832222 Ext.1360-61 | E-mail:

Assumption University Official Office in China (Headquarters)


Address: Research Complex Building of Sichuan University International Academic

Exchange Center:  Room 2215-2217, Block B, No. 65 Kehua North Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China

地址:四川大学国际学术交流中心科研综合楼-中国成都市武侯区科华北路 65 号 B 座 2215-2216-2217 Tel:028-85407396 028-60806150 +86-13982126637

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