M.S. Management inclass | www.grad.au.edu
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AU's M.S. in Management program (in-class & hybrid) hones analytical & creative thinking skills, cultivates innovation in entrepreneurs, managers & leaders, and equips students with management skills to implement new ideas. Gain understanding of resource management complexities in the knowledge economy. Designed for profit, non-profit & government operations, it prepares students to manage operations in the modern, dynamic environment.

M.S. Management

Master of Science in Management


(In Class & Hybrid Learning Program)

  • Develops creative and analytical thinking skills

  • Inculcates innovative skills in entrepreneurs, corporate managers, and leaders

  • Equips students with management competencies for implementation of innovative thinking and new ideas in business

  • Provides understanding of complexities and challenges of resource management in the border-less knowledge economy

  • Designed to prepare students to effectively manage operations of all kinds of organizations, whether for profit or non-profit, or government

  • Aims to develop competencies required for managing operations in the modern dynamic environment

Admission Requirements

To apply to M.S. (Management), a candidate must:

  1. Earn a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution

  2. Show proficiency in English (TOEFL or IELTS scores) or take the English Admission Examination for Graduate Program conducted by the Graduate School of Advanced Technology Management

Application Procedure

  1. Complete an online application form at https://www.grad.au.edu/apply-online

  2. Submit required documents as indicated in the email from GSATM

  3. Remit fees for interview

Program Duration

A candidate may graduate in 1 year 4 months and may extend to a maximum of 5 academic years.

Venue & Class Hours

Study online at your own place

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Program and Admissions 

Tel. (+66) 081-815-1237 | (+66) 063-593-5885  Ⓛ Line ID: @abacgrad  Ⓦ WhatsApp: @abacgrad1

Office of Graduate Studies, Assumption University
Hua Mak Campus, Assumption Building (A Building) Bangkok 10240 Thailand

Tel. (662) 3004543-62 Ext.1360-61 | Fax. (662) 7191521 | E-mail: grad@au.edu

Assumption University Official Office in China 易三仓大学驻中国官方办事处

Research Complex Building of Sichuan, University International Academic Exchange Center

Room 2215-2216, Block B, No. 65 Kehua North Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China

地址:四川大学国际学术交流中心科研综合楼-中国成都市武侯区科华北路65号B座 2215-2216

Tel. 028-85407396  | Tel. +86-13982126637 |E-mail: abac.grad@outlook.com | www.tcic.au.edu

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