H.E. Mr. Noh Kwang – il is very proud of the Republic of Korea, and respects people. He kindly organized his speaker of the month session to be easy and relax for our students. He introduced the country’s well - beings in terms of national GDP growth, economic evolution, education to literacy, reduced poverty and various developed industries.
On auspicious occasion of the 60th Anniversary Celebration for the Republic of Korea and Thai Diplomatic Relations, both countries established free trade agreements to promote and protect the investments between each other. Many imported and exported products and services between them are from cooperation of agriculture, infrastructure development, economic growth success, human resources development and quality education.
The Republic of Korea emphasizes on good governance. With His Excellency’s optimistic point – of – view, sometimes crisis for example 1997 Asian financial crisis led to change for better or new things to survive.
To promote the Republic of Korea, he invited our students to learn Korean language and visit the country. Koreans adopt new technologies, making them having good quality of life with high quality education.
During his question and answer session, the interactions between His Excellency and our students were very amicable that our students were free to ask the questions. Thanks to his kind presentation, there are many good job opportunities available e.g. big company like Samsung. The foreign investments are warmly welcome to build good businesses. Lately, there was a historical summit on the border that the leaders of North and South Korea met for peace talks, announced their commitment of denuclearization, and of officially ended the North Korea’s 68 – year war by North and South Korea unification.
His Excellency complimented that Thailand has many beautiful tourism attractions, and Thais are very friendly and happy. He would like Thailand to maintain good quality education and continuously improve for higher education standard. Thailand is also encouraged to develop good businesses.