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If you were once a postgraduate level student at Assumption University of Thailand (AU)
but decided to pursue a different path and now want to finish your degree with us — welcome back!
Finishing your college degree can have a positive effect throughout the rest of your life, creating more career options, more money, open the door to relocation, a sense of personal accomplishment and become an expert in your field.
Please fill out relevant information in this form to let us know more about you and our admission team will contact you and walk you through the re-admission steps.
Alternatively, you can contact us at:
Office of Graduate Studies, Assumption University
Hua Mak Campus, Assumption Building (A Building)
Bangkok 10240 Thailand
Tel. (662) 3004543-62 Ext.1360-61
Fax. (662) 7191521
See you soon.
Re-Admission Form
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